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                             Additional Treatments  

Biofeedback   What is Biofeedback?  It is a treatment technique in which people are trained to improve their health by learning to control signals from their own mind and body. 

I attach sensors to a particular part of the body that are also attached to a computer.  Thee sensors are placed on the skin over a muscle to detect the electrical activity of the muscle.   This surface EMG muscle movement (small electrical activity) is detected and stored in the computer for  future references, assessments and training dates .  

Training takes place after the assessment is conducted to help that part of the body to perform better or to help reduce pain and discomfort. As well as overall stress and anxiety.  

Clinical Hypnosis- Hypnotherapy  - If you want to be hypnotized, then you can make it happen. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Some people respond faster than others Since you are in COMPLETE control of your own hypnotic experience, you will have no problem awakening from hypnosis.

Do I have to believe in hypnosis in order for it to work?  You need to believe that you have control to change. The degree of hypnotizability seems to be completely unrelated to the degree of belief. 

How long until I see results?  Results can be immediate, within days, or weeks.  It all depends upon the issue you are working on. 

Is Hypnosis safe?   Taught and performed correctly by a certified  professional, Yes.  Always check a person's credentials before engaging in any hypnosis. I hold a double doctorate in this profession. 

What is Clinical Hypnosis?  It can be used for just about anything that depends on your own level of determination. Hypnosis is not limited to just those things you consciously do and control, but also works subconsciously as well. The following is a partial list of what I perform hypnosis for. It your issue is not std just ask....
*Academic Application
*Building Self- Esteem
*Death and Dying Issues
*Depression Issues 
*Eating Issues
*Health / Medical Issues 
*Mental Heath Issues
*Natural Birthing
*Pain Management
*Performance Enhancement
*Personal Relationship Issues
*Pet Loss
*Problem Solving
*Smoking Cessation 
*Weight Loss 
Dementia Practitioner :  This allows me to work with you and your loved ones that have early states of any form of Dementia/ Alzheimer's diagnosis 
Virtual Gastric Banding Hypnosis Program  This is program all of its own that works on the principles of the banding technique used in surgical procedures 

Heart Rate Variability Training HRV - working with computer and HRV software together you learn how to regulate your breathing to hep reduce pain, anxiety, stress.  There are even Smart watches which can help with this 

Psychotherapy Services:  Using a variety of modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral therapy, Diabetic Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Chair Therapy and so much more....

Art Therapy and Music Therapy 

And so much more.... please contact me with your questions and interest.
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