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Enjoying Outdoor

Embracing Change

  1. Set a goal:  What do you want to change? Be specific and write it down. Learn from the past: What have you tired in the past and how can you learn from that?  REASONS:  What makes you want to lose weight?   List your reason down on paper and keep it handle should you feel you need to “go off plan”

  2. Make a plan:  List specific, concrete steps you can take to accomplish your goal.  (REJECT ALL or NOTHING thinking) (Plan ahead- bring your food if necessary or a shake if you are having one) If something happens that brings you off plan …. Just start again… that very next minute.

  3. Motivate:  Record the top three reasons making a change is important to you.  (Exercise helps with motivation as well raising natural serotonin levels)

  4. Problem-solve:   Record the top three barriers to change and list at least one way to overcome them.  (Distract yourself thinking about eating by engaging in other activities) Engaging in doing somethings that also add stress reduction.

  5. Consider timing:  Be realistic about the time frame of your plan.

  6. Commit:  What are you willing to do to change?  What are you NOT willing to do?

  7. Get Support:  Enlist the help of supportive people in your life. Be clear with them about your needs and expectations.

  8. Be accountable:  Monitor your progress in an objective way so you track it. (Writing down what you consume daily has been scientifically proven to help with weight loss and keeping it off)

  9. Expect setbacks:  They’re bound to happen. How will you handle them?

  10.  Reinforce yourself: (positive rewards):  Reward yourself for your successes, whether large or small. Make a list of meaningful rewards.

  11.  Take it ONE DAY, ONE MOMENT, ONE MEAL at a TIME>>>>>

Use Affirmations

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